Women have always found a certain ambiguity in what attire was acceptable. This has stemmed from an abundance of choice on women’s part. Men on the other hand had rather uniform attire for the last 100 years. It was a suit for the day, and a tuxedo for the night (with scores of other rules to take away the guess work). In recent years however, women have gotten their revenge as men’s fashion is now been flooded with an abundance of choice, leaving men confused as to what is appropriate when.
With that being said there are some general guidelines that vary based on age, culture, gender, and so on, but for now I will focus on those of adult age in America. As clothes are a form of self-expression, and there is a saturated industry of fashion blogs, I will not go too much into different rules as they are all subject to interpretation, but will instead endeavor to give guiding principles and hard rules.
Leaving the House
While it was once seen as inappropriate to leave the house in anything less than a suit, or a dress for women, that has long since ceased to be the case. Now it has become common place for people to leave their houses in pajamas. This is of course not acceptable either, but people do it none the less. There must of course be a middle way to find in this arena.
My simple advice is when one leaves the house, he should always be dressed how he wants to be seen. In other words, when leaving the house, even if someone is simply running to the grocery store, he or she should take the time to change into something better than pajamas.
That being said adults should generally avoid wearing shorts when it is under 85 degrees, unless they’re at the beach, which is coincidentally the only time it is acceptable for a man to wear sandals. Women: this counts rompers too (you are perfectly allowed to wear them, in the same way you are perfectly allowed to wear pajamas).